New information and complete proof has been found that absolutely shows that God doesn't exist. God is dead! We can all go home now. Religion is now useless and a complete waste of time and money. Don't bother praying because no one is hearing you.
WAIT! Don't PANIC! The first paragraph is not true! It was all a lie. I had no choice but to say that as the day is April 1st, April Fool's Day. Yes, I know, my sense of humor is deranged. But you see I have an excuse. I was April 1st punk'd earlier today. In fact I was played the fool ever since midnight when the 1st began.
I work night shift and all through my night, little things were not going right. I was dropping things, I couldn't locate things, time seemed to go to fast when I didn't need it to, and time seemed to slow down when I needed it to elapse faster. And the thing was, I had forgot that at midnight it became April Fool's Day. So I'm firmly convinced that I was being fooled all night long.
I think the Romans or Greeks had a minor God whose specialty was playing tricks. I think they named him Pranksta, the God of Antics. And last night Pranksta was concentrating on me. When Pranksta wants to frolic at your expense, you had better watch out. His relentless tricks and stunts can make a grown man drool. Hours later I was still wiping my chin of mouth moisture.
So now you might understand my opening paragraph, I wanted revenge. I wanted to eliminate a God, and that God would be Pranksta, the God of Antics. But how do you kill off a God?
Well judging by all those Roman and Greek Gods that don't exist anymore, you kill off a God by stopping to believe in them. Just ask Zeus or Hermes, but of course you can't ask them because they don't exist anymore.
So hear me now oh lousy God Pranksta, I don't believe in you anymore! Take your tricks and go home! Ha, Ha, Ha, since I don't believe in you, you can't go anywhere, you have no home. Oops! I just spilled my drink! ACKK! Just a minute I've got to clean up the mess.
I'm back. Boy, that was weird. Just after I diss off the Pranksta, I spill a drink. Either I still believe in Pranksta or other people still do. Man, this is going to be difficult. How do you stop believing in a God? It's not like you can turn belief on and off. This may take more time than I thought. So, maybe until I can truly believe that I don't believe, I should at least be nice to the Pranksta, great God of Antics.
Oh, powerful Pranksta, I bow down to your practical joking. Your enormous intellect and massive mischief is to be adored. April Fool's Day is your day for me to respect your stunts and capers. Pranksta, I give you an offering of a joke.
Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Iwere who?
I Worship Pranksta, the God of Antics.
Now, please leave me alone the rest of today. Please find other people to punk, I beg and pray of you.
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